Instructions: Follow the pattern below to create your own affirmations.
1. Affirmations start with the words “I AM”
2. Affirmations are positive. Never use the word not in an affirmation
WRONG: I am not afraid of public speaking
RIGHT: I am confidently delivering a presentation
3. Affirmations are short
4. Affirmations are specific.
WRONG: I am driving a new car
RIGHT: I am driving a new black Range Rover
5. Affirmations are in the present tense including a word that ends in “ing”
I am riding a new Honda CBR600F Motorbike
6. Affirmations have a feeling word in them.
I am confidently delivering a great presentation
7. Affirmations are about yourself.
All of your affirmations should be to change your own behaviour, not someone else’s behaviour.
Now that you understand the pattern for creating affirmation, use the space below to write your own affirmations.