A great Japanese warrior named Nobunaga was going to war with a fierce enemy with only one-tenth the number of men the opposition commanded. He knew that he could win the fight with a well-planned strategy, but his soldiers were in doubt.
On the way the leader stopped at a Shinto shrine and told his men: “After my visit to the shrine I will toss a coin. If it’s heads, we will win; if tails, we will lose. Destiny holds us in her hand.”
Nobunaga entered the shrine and offered his prayers. Then he came forth and tossed a coin in front of his men. Heads appeared. The soldiers were filled with confidence and were eager to win the battle.
“No one can change the hand of destiny,” one of his attendants told him after the battle.
“Indeed not,” said Nobunaga and showed the coin which had heads on both sides.
Learning: You can’t choose or control your circumstance, but you can most definitely choose or change your attitude towards your circumstances.
The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude!
Warriors with negative attitudes become victims of their own negative outlook; they lose because their own negativity drains them. Winning has a lot to do with having a good attitude. Without strong self-belief the warrior winds up nowhere. The right attitude helps empower one to take the necessary actions and to focus on the things that must be done.
Watch your manner of speech, if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful. Make positive affirmations and all of them should be to change your own behaviour, not someone else’s behaviour. Avoid pushing towards perfection.
Turn “I can’t” into “I can”.
Accept both compliments and criticisms.
Stop finding faults with yourself.
Appreciate your abilities.
Spend time with people you love.
Accept the imperfectly perfect you.
Don’t let your attitude be the boss of you!
Know that regardless of what you have been told, what has occurred, what wrong you have done or what challenges you have faced, you are enough. You are doing the best you can with what you have. We all want to be accepted for who we are. But first, we must accept ourselves. Everybody has to let that seed which is hidden within him grow into a tree. No man is born to be like anyone else. Everyone is that which he is, and everyone has to be that.