- Topic : Communication skills & Confidence building
- Venue : Onsite location
- Client : Drilling Engineer with ONGC Ltd.
- Delivery : one-on-one
- Duration : 8 hours (2 hours per day)
- Interactive tools used : Videos, role plays, word exercises and presentations
- A Word Exercise Used: Dictionary Application
- Use the dictionary to learn new words
- With each word, create a sentence in past, present and future tense
- Learn correct pronunciation
- Learnt idioms with these new words, to use in conversations
- Writing of short passages with new words learnt
- Feedback :
I wanted to improve my Communication skills especially with the growing strains of my very demanding job at ONGC Ltd. I used to find it difficult to convert my thoughts into meaningful sentences to put across to my seniors. With Carol ma’am’s sessions, I have gained confidence in this difficult area and my seniors are also quite impressed with my progress. All thanks goes to the patient listening and active interactions with Carol ma’am.